More Creative in 5 Days

Hard to believe? If you're a therapist, counselor, or coach, sign up and see for yourself with this free email/video course and PDF workbook:  1 lesson a day for 5 days, delivered straight to your inbox.

You can opt-out at any time through the Unsubscribe link in every email. See the PRIVACY AGREEMENT.

Youā€™ll get 1 email/video lesson each day for 5 days. Youā€™ll learn:

  • How to move past creative myths and limiting beliefs
  • The 5 stages of creative problem solving
  • How to feel your way through creative blocks
  • Tools for taking action, getting things done
  • How to cultivate a creative practice
  • Resources for making creative ideas real

Creativity is the all-purpose tool that brings more discovery, play, and courage to your life and work. You and your clients benefit.

Loretta Staples LCSW, therapist and founder, The More Creative Therapist


50% Complete

Two Step

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